Hello members!!
a few updates! Don't forget to check out our website for updates and/or our Facebook page MWCA ART GUILD FREE MEETING https://www.monroewaltonarts.org/saturday-soirees-and-other-special-events.html One of the benefits of MWCA membership is inclusion in our Art Guild -- if you're a Member, you're in the Guild! Our Art Guild sponsors various events throughout the year -- art talks, how-to's, the "business of art" talks, field trips, potlucks etc. All free (unless there's an admittance fee for an outing). Guild meeting: Saturday October 7 at 3:00 HOW TO set up a booth for Craft and Christmas Shows with Jennifer Dominy Learn affordable tips from an expert for setting up and merchandising your booth! If you can attend, please email Juli to RSVP *** UPCOMING SPECIAL EVENTS - Go to our website to learn more -- dozens of classes & events every month!! Pre-registration required for most of our classes
*** FALL FEST Our next really big event for market artists is ... Fall Fest on October 14 from 10am - 4pm (these are the hours of the city event) You must pay $15 by October 12 to reserve your spot. Visit the art center to pay or you can pay over the phone by calling 770-207-8937. You will collect your own money and handle your customers for 10% of your sales – paid to MWCA at the end of the day – with a cap of $50 (for a total of $65 paid to us). This means anything you make over $650 is free of any commission to us! First dibs are given to artists in our Shop. On October 14 - you will set up a table and/or tent outside. Be ready by 10 am. First come, first served - you can be in the grassy areas but don't block sidewalks. Staff and volunteers will be on hand to direct you; please follow their instructions. I don't assign spots. Space is limited so sign up soon! You must be a member of course, and your work will have to be juried into Fall Fest. Email photos of sample works by responding to this email. Many of our artists do very well at Fall Fest. This is a great way to get your art in front of thousands of visitors! *** Our 2024 Gallery Show Schedule is ready and posted on the website GO HERE to learn more: https://www.monroewaltonarts.org/call-for-entries.html NOTE the MEMBERS SHOW coming up in January!! *** CLASSES AND EVENTS See our calendar here: https://www.monroewaltonarts.org/calendar.html More info about classes and events: https://www.monroewaltonarts.org/classes--events.html *** CHRISTMAS SHOP – October 28 – December 24 Our entire gallery is transformed into a Christmas Shop - hundreds of gifts, most under $35. There is a $30 fee per booth - this will cover both November and December. Booths are available to members who currently have items in our shop, members who are not currently in the shop will have to be juried in >>>Apply HERE
Drop by or call the art center to pay your booth fee ASAP if you are already in the shop
*** Are you a PATRON of the ARTS? We have a special gift for our patrons who donate $100+ per year or are sustaining members who give at least $10 per month. And for our business sponsors, too! It's a lovely custom designed tote bag with a painting by Donna Coffman and our ART FOR ALL byline. If you're a PATRON or SPONSOR, swing by and pick up your tote bag on your next visit! Learn more about the membership levels HERE and business sponsorship HERE. See a super cute video that Zach put together showcasing the many uses of the tote here!! *** IN THE GALLERY REGIONAL JURIED SHOW -- now through October 19 *** TEACHERS NEEDED If you're interested in proposing a class, please visit out JOTFORM for our NEW CLASS PROPOSALS. If you've been thinking about leading a class here, take a look -- CLICK HERE -- at this worksheet. It will help you design your class. Submit the form and we will be in touch! *** VOLUNTEER Volunteers are needed to help with FALL FEST on October 14 -- to greet and help with various events we'll have going on. BAKERS: We are having a fundraising bake sale, too. Please drop off individual wrapped items by 5:00 Friday or 10:30 am Saturday 10/14. Please respond to this email if you can help! Volunteers are also needed to help with our special needs classes. * A quick list of ways you can help and volunteer opportunities can be found HERE. IF ANY of you have contacts with people/places or ideas for where we could expand our classroom space (we need BOTH more classrooms and bigger classrooms that are accessible) -- please please please contact me. Thank you! *** I appreciate you all so much! Thank you for being a part of the arts here in Walton County! By the way, we have a new "post card" that provides a QR code for instant access to our classes on our website. Please drop by the art center and pick up a few to hand out to your friends. Be our art ambassador! Thanks!!
AuthorHope Reese, director of Monroe-Walton Center for the Arts since February, 2017. Archives
February 2025
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